Untamed by S.C. Stephens - Blog Tour, Reviews and Giveaway!

UNTAMED by S.C. Stephens 
(November 3, 2015; Forever Trade Paperback; Thoughtful #5)

The spotlight doesn’t only shine. Sometimes, it burns.
Being the bad-boy bassist for the world’s hottest band has earned Griffin Hancock some perks: a big house, a fast car, and most importantly his incredible wife Anna. The one thing it hasn’t brought him is the spotlight. Anna tells him to be patient, that his talent will win out. But Griffin is through waiting for permission to shine.

Without warning, Griffin makes a shocking decision and takes the gamble of a lifetime. Suddenly he’s caught up in a new level of lights, cameras, and chaos—one that pushes his relationship with Anna to its limits. Anna has always found his unpredictable behavior sexy, but lately he’s seen an ache in her eyes, and it has his soul in knots. Just as the recognition Griffin seeks is finally within reach, the thing he loves most in life could be slipping through his fingers…

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“What was all that about? And what did you mean at the end there? You are a part of this band, Griffin. You always have been, and you always will be.”
Pushing him back a step, I snapped, “It’s a little late for the pep talk, bro. If you think I’m so valuable, you could have stood up for me in there.” I lifted my arms for emphasis. “It gave me the warm and fuzzies how you let him walk all over me.”
Kellan sighed. “It’s complicated, Griff. Matt’s a genius on guitar…he’s…it’s his instrument, the one he’s born to play. But us saying that isn’t an insult to you. You’re amazing on bass, gifted even. It’s just…we each have our part, you know? And we have to do them the best we can.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “For the sake of the band, I’m asking you to let this go and just…forget about lead. Please?”
I could only stare at him. I felt numb inside. Was this what giving up your dream felt like? For as long as I could remember, I’d wanted all eyes on me—I’d wanted to be the center of attention. Matt had never wanted that. But he was given the instrument that shone while I was given the one that everyone forgot about. My part was designed to blend, designed to go unnoticed. It was everything I wasn’t, and I was sick of being stuck with it. I wanted more, but they wouldn’t give me more.
Without answering him, I turned and walked away, toward the house. What could I say to that anyway? Matt had just permanently rejected my chances at ever being lead guitar. Forgetting was the only thing left that I could do. Forget, or stew, and right now, I wanted to stew.
When I got back to the living room, Jenny and Rachel were there working. “Need something, Griffin?” Jenny asked, her pale eyes practically sparkling with happiness.
Ignoring both her good mood and her question, I called out for Anna. “She’s upstairs with Kiera,” Rachel quietly replied.
Harrumphing some sort of thank-you, I began plodding my way to the stairs. Fucking stairs. I stomped up them, cursing my bandmates with each step. I imagined that the carpet treads under my feet were their squishy faces. I felt a little better by the time I reached the top. “Yo, Anna! Where are you?”
Both Anna and Kiera instantly appeared in a bedroom door frame. Simultaneously, they both put fingers to their lips. “Shhhhhhh,” they both scolded.
I was tired of being reprimanded today, so I didn’t lower my voice any. “Wake up Gibson. We’re leaving.”
Anna instantly edged around Kiera to step into the hallway. “What’s wrong?” she asked me, while Kiera stepped out of the room behind her. The two sisters were pretty similar, but Anna definitely had a lot more curves than her slimmer and straighter sister. Generally I appreciated those curves, but at the moment, I just wanted to shove them into the car and get out of here.
“There’s no point being here right now, so we’re leaving. Actually, there’s no point in ever coming back here, so we’re leaving.” I opened the door closest to me, hoping I’d find my sleeping daughter behind it. Nope. Empty.
I moved to try another door, but Anna stepped in front of me. “Let’s go outside, get some fresh air.”
Dramatically tossing my hands in the air, I gave up. “Fine.” What did it matter, since nothing was working for me today anyway?
I headed back to those goddamn stairs while Anna told Kiera she’d be right back. Not waiting for my very pregnant wife, I sped down the steps and out the door. The fresh air on my face helped calm me down a little, but I was still riled up. I paced the front porch while I waited for Anna. Those sanctimonious assholes.
“Griff?” A soft touch on my shoulder spooked me, and I jumped. Turning, I saw Anna behind me, her green eyes worried. “What’s going on?” She indicated the front step, and I grudgingly sat down.
Once I was seated, my mood dropped. I’d started the day so positively, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that this tour was going to be the one. But not anymore. It was going to be the same old crap. Dropping my head, I slumped over. Anna sat beside me, and her fingers lightly caressed my back in a soothing pattern. It helped my residual anger, but not my rising disappointment.
“One song. I asked for one fucking song…and they wouldn’t even give that to me…” I studied my fingers in my lap while my dreams dissolved in my hands. “Matt just told me that he’s not ever going to give me a chance to play lead, and the rest of the guys agreed with him. I’m done…forever stuck on bass…forever in the shadows. I just wanted one song, one moment in the spotlight.” With a sigh, I looked up at her. “Four minutes? Is that so much?”
Anna’s eyes were heavy with sympathy. Reaching up, she threaded her fingers through my hair. “No…that’s not much at all.”
I nodded and dropped my vision to my lap again. “Yeah, I didn’t think so either. But they can’t even give that to me.” The anger resurfaced, wrapping disappointment around it like a blanket. “Between me and you, babe, sometimes…I really don’t like those guys.”
Anna kissed the back of my neck and wrapped an arm around my shoulder in sympathy. “I’m sorry, Griffin.”
Closing my eyes, I let her comfort wash over me. At least there was one person on earth who gave a shit about me.

About the author:
S.C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance. In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family. She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest. 

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S.C. Stephens Q&A
1. What was hardest about writing the story from Griffin’s perspective?
The hardest part of writing Griffin’s book was deciding what part of his life to focus on, and what journey to take him on. The possibilities were endless, and sometimes that was really overwhelming. What was the most fun? Griffin’s inner monologue was the best part for me! The things he says are hilarious, but what he doesn’t say is even better.

2. In the book, Griffin takes a chance and tries out a new career. If you could do anything else besides writing, what would it be?
Writing was the dream career for me, so I don’t know of anything I would give this up for. As long as I’m able to keep dreaming up stories, this is what I want to do.

3. Who has influenced you as a writer?
I have learned so much from the writers I admire. Colleen Hoover’s storytelling gift. Tammara Webber’s compelling characters. A.L. Jackson’s descriptive poetry. Christina Lauren’s sexy scenes. Alice Clayton’s and Tara Sivec’s humor. K.A. Linde’s ability to bleed your heart dry. Every book I pick up motivates me to do better.

4. Griffin is always confident with a capital C. What do you think readers can learn from him in UNTAMED?
Sometimes confidence isn’t enough. Sometimes you have to be humble and fallible. Sometimes you have to fail to win.

OMG... we get more of the DBags and with the wild, crazy and totally unpredictable Griffin being front and center in this story! Hang on because you just know this is going to be a wild and crazy ride!

This story is a continuing chapter of Kellan Kyle's books, nice fresh and getting all the gang once again which is just gravy to this great book!

We all know that Griffin pretty much lives in his own world and is pretty clueless to reality. Well in this story he truly goes a thousand steps above this and loses himself completely in his world, while at the same time exposing us to his vulnerable side. It is quite refreshing to read how human and crazy he really is. And God Bless Anna... she is a saint... how she deals with all that is Griff is just wow!!

Griff is tired of being in Kellan's shadow, and truly believes that he should be front and center. He is so much better than the rest of the band anyway so this could never fail right?

OMG Wrong.... Griff's immaturity and and true self puts him in situation after situation where not only is he going to lose everything he loves from the band, his music, and his family. But he will be losing himself.

Can Griff be salvaged? Is it too late? Will the guys and his family ever understand him let alone forgive him?

Read for yourself to find out.. be prepared to be shocked as you must be one with the Griff to be able to see all the truths...

Untamed is the story that us die-hard D-Bag fans have been waiting for, and trust me when I say… the wait was worth it!

Griffin Hancock puts the awe in some – or so he thinks. Throughout the Thoughtless series, he was the shameless player who many believed hung off the coattails of a highly successful band. He was the guy who partied constantly and who never took life seriously. Griff could be aloof, immature and highly insensitive, but lord help us, did he make us laugh.

Griff may be living one giant ego trip, but when the stunning Anna came along, he realised that there was a side to him that could let love in. He married the woman who took him for who he was, with her own set of crazy ways and high sexual prowess to boot. Not only did he find the girl of his dreams, he also became a Father for the first time.

This is where we believed the story ended. That final curtain call was drawn in Reckless, and we said goodbye to some incredible characters; ones that would continue to stay with us for a lifetime.
Well, scrap that, because now they’re back, bigger and better than ever! There is just one problem...

The D-Bags are about to release album number three, Griff should be riding the euphoric wave of success, but in actuality he is feeling trapped inside a box. Wanting to let his creativity flow, he is full of ideas but every one he puts on the table is rejected with either a flat out ‘no’ or ‘maybe tomorrow.’ He is frustrated at being ‘just the bass player’ and second fiddle to the real star of the D-Bags, Kellan Kyle -- he feels he deserves more, wanting a bigger piece of the fame-hungry pie.

When a new project opportunity comes knocking, Griffin takes it upon himself to find his more… But does it mean the end of the D-Bags? Does he truly have what it takes to be a rock star in his own right, or was Griffin’s life really just one big pipedream about to burst?

The way this story flows was reminiscent of a story told in two-parts. In the first half we see the old Griff - the crazy, shameless rock star who loves himself just a little too much. The second, we see a shocking transformation that will blow your mind, as we play witness to a man who realises only too late that to appreciate what you have comes at the pivotal moment when you are set to lose it.

This is Griffin’s story but it also incorporates all the other members of the D-bags, including the lovely Kellan Kyle, which is always a pleasure. Nonetheless, Griffin’s story really got to me in the second half, I truly cried for him, my heart broke just a little. Untamed gave me the opportunity to let Griff in more than ever before.

S.C. Stephens has done a remarkable job in turning this character around but without damaging the sole core of his personality. If anything, she has strengthened him in ways that I never imagined possible and gave him the justice he so rightly deserved. Griffin finally gets a voice, even if at countless times you do not agree with what he is saying. There is one thing you will learn about him though; he’s a fighter, and he always looks on the positive side of things. Yes, he’s crass and a sexual deviant but deep down wants to do the right thing by himself and his family, even if he has half-arsed crazy ways of going about it.

You will laugh so hard at parts of this book. There is a scene at 15% that had me in tears I had to stop reading whilst I recovered. That’s the magic of Griff’s character, he can drive you nuts one minute, have you laughing out loud the next, then re-charging batteries or running towards a very cold shower. There is no denying it, the boy is gifted!

Be prepared for some high and lows, but above all else, to fall in love with the joker as you get to experience Griffin ‘The Hulk’ Hancock like never before!

5 ‘GriffAwesome’ Crowns

4.5 Crowns

Book 4 in the Thoughtless series. This is Griffin’s story and it takes place after the events of Reckless. You don’t really need to have read the original books to enjoy it, but to get to know the real “awesomeness” that is Griffin Hancock, I recommend reading the series from the beginning.

Griffin has become disillusioned. Not with the amazing success that has seen the D-Bags go from resident band at their local Seattle bar, to the biggest band in the world. Let’s face it, with him in the band that was always a sure thing. No Griffin is fed up with being overlooked. The band don’t appreciate his awesomeness, the fans don’t see past Kellan’s looks, and he is stuck playing bass when he should be shredding the lead guitar in the spotlight. His only true supporter is his wife Anna. Rather than the joke that his band brother’s think he is, she sees just how awesome he is, especially his package. She is perfect for him and along with his two daughters he should be happy with his life. But Griffin is worth more than this, he should be the main star and he won’t rest until he achieves the level of fame and fortune that fit his greatness.

When an opportunity arises, will it mean the end for the D-Bags? Will Griffin walk away from the guys that have been his family, losing the most important part of his life as well? Or will he realise what he has when it’s too late?

Griffin Hancock, What a dude. I loved this guy in the original books. They were real angst heavy reads and Griffin was the light relief, the joker of the pack. When he finally settled down with Anna, we hoped that he had grown up, without losing what made him, well him. This story is a real journey for Griffin. It is full of moments that will seriously crack you up, in fact the whole book has a humour and completely different vibe to the previous stories that chronicled the love story that is Kellan and Kiera. You get to see Griffin journey through changes that only age, love, children, jealousy and mistakes can bring about. As everyone finds out at some point in life – There is no i in team. Believe me, Griffin learns that the hard way, and not just professionally, but in his personal relationships too. It is a kind of coming of age read really, watching the boy become the man that he should have become a long time ago.

But what I especially loved was the relationship between him and Anna. Their relationship was very much on the periphery before, a bit of a joke and a lot risqué; I kind of wondered how they would ever work long term. This book shows the absolute devotion they have for each other and makes there love just as deep and honest as Kellan and Kiera’s; if not a little, scrap that, a whole LOT dirtier. Griffin adores her, Anna accepts and understands the man child that is Griffin and together they are perfect.

I wasn't sure if this would be one book too many when I received it. But S.C Stephens has pulled a blinder for her Thoughtless fans. It is a fantastic, humorous and at times emotional read that will leave you completely satisfied in its conclusion. I will miss the D-Bags, but I say goodbye knowing they are all in their happy places. A MUST READ finale to an EPIC series. 

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