Review: Broken Prince

Broken Prince
Broken Prince by Erin Watt
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Broken Prince starts where Paper Princess ended…. yeah… you know that cliffy of all cliff-ies of all time ending of Broken Prince!

Ella is gone, and Reed has a lot of explaining and fixing to do to get Ella back…even just back home not even back with him….

Erin Watt takes us through 1000 times more angst, twist and turns with this second book!  Seriously you have no clue… omg… you just need to hang on for this ride!

You will hate Reed… omg.. seriously.. you will bleed for the Royals… You will cry with Ella and cheer for her strength… You will oooohhhh and ahhhhhhh and take a cold shower!  But most of all you will die at the end.. and pray for the next book!

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