An Angel All His Own by Jillian Neal ~ Release

Title: An Angel All His Own

Author: Jilian Neal

Date of Publication: November 18th 2014

She’s everything Dan Vindico has ever wanted. Fionna Styler embodies every single thing he told himself could never exist inside of one woman. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful, and she’s his… almost.

No one can know they’re together. The Interfeci would never let her live. It was an inevitability, but Dan simply cannot resist her.

After a vow to somehow keep her safe, Dan learns what that really entails. Betrayal, scandal, millions of dollars, and watching her in the arms of other men are only the beginning, when danger intrudes into every sanctuary he secures.

Dan can’t determine if the demons in his soul or the monsters outside are more vicious, but Fionna’s life depends solely on him. That blasted tomb is ever-present in his mind. Can he save the Angel who managed to pull him from the depths of hell, the one he longs to make his own?


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Other Books in The Gifted Realm series

Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm, #1)
Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm, #2)
Every Action (The Gifted Realm, #3)
Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm, #4)

About Jillian Neal

Jillian Neal is a Romance writer with a passion for passion who pens strong, character driven novels, told from the male perspective. Her guys aren’t afraid to let us inside their minds or inside their bedrooms. They’re hot on the trail of a sinister criminal organization when they’re not burning up the bed sheets.

She’s a self-proclaimed ‘Southern girl with a sassy mouth.’ Her coffee addiction is barely legal, and she’s most often running around with her hair and her pen on fire! She's full of smarts, sass, and sizzle and that's a lot to get into barely five feet of girl with her head always in the clouds.

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Q/A With Jillian

How did you come up with the idea for this story?

This story took over my brain all on its own. When I started the Gifted Realm series, I wrote to try desperately to get it out of my head. Rainer, Dan, Logan, all of them were demanding to be heard. They weren’t gentle about it. I sat down one day five years ago and began typing. I haven’t stopped. The more I write the more ideas I have. It fulfills me like nothing ever has. It makes me deliriously happy. I can’t wait to write more!

Where do you find your inspiration?  

There’s this old, abandoned warehouse downtown Atlanta, just off Ponce de Leon. You have to go really early in the morning. No, I’m just teasing. Honestly, I find inspiration everywhere. I see a couple on TV or walking in the grocery store, and my mind conjures a life story up for them.  I can’t stop it. Everyone and everything has a story. You just have to pay close attention.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Time! Time to write, edit, promote, edit, edit, occasionally see my children’s faces, eat, bathe, there’s never enough time! ;) Shall we discuss my coffee addiction now?

What are your current projects?  

Currently I am working on the final book of my third series, “The Gifted Islands.” I’ve taken a few minor characters from “The Gifted Realm” and written another series. This time we see where too much power can land someone and what the ultimate cost of that can be.

I am also journaling my fourth series that I hope to start writing in January (please, please, please!) It involves a kind of gypsy-life cult and what could come out of extremists in any area. Should be interesting.

Tell us about your first book. What would readers find different about the first one and your most recent published work?

Oh my goodness, I hope my writing has vastly improved from my first novel to this one. I always just want the next one out to be better than the one before. I feel like writing has this fantastic infinite horizon. You can always get better! That’s very exciting to me.

My first book is really the introduction to “The Realm.” Books 2-7 have much, much more action. It’s a rip-roaring ride, but I wanted to use the first book, “Within the Realm” to make you feel like you’re living in my world.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?  

So many messages. I would love to take sex out of the “dirty” category and celebrate it as a beautiful expression of love. I would love for readers to see Fionna’s strength that is displayed time and time again in her knowledge of herself, her empathy, her tender care, and her love of Dan. He is far superior in physical strength, but ultimately she is so much more powerful.  I would love for women to recognize their own strengths through hers.

Does music play any type of role in your writing?

Music plays a huge role in my writing. I always have music on when I write. All of my characters have playlists. Lyrics move me like nothing else. I love words! I have heard a song only once and immediately had a story idea come from a single line of the song.  Music soothes me and lets me tap into a deeper well of creativity.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your life?

I think I draw on events in my own life for little bits of detail in my writing. I also people watch and, yes, even eavesdrop to try and get a glimpse into the human psyche. I seek to understand what makes people tick, whether I know them or not.

What books have influenced your life most?

Oh my goodness, so many of them! I was the weirdo in high school that preferred to skip the football game so that I could read Austen, Bronte, Chopin, and Steinbeck. I have always been an avid reader, but the most influential would probably be: “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, “On the Road,” by Jack Kerouac, “Pride and Prejudice,” by Jane Austen, “Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck, and  “Anne of Green Gables,” by Lucy Montgomery.

Are there any new authors that have grasp your interest?

I’m never, ever on the forefront of news. I usually figure things out a solid 4-5 months after everyone else (if I’m lucky.)  I do know that Nicki Solcedo’s debut novel, “All Beautiful Things,” comes out January 2, 2015. I can’t wait to read it! It is absolutely going to be fantastic! Check her out!

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

I feel like what I’m currently writing is too far ahead in the timeline for me to give you a scene from that without giving too much away. How about a quick scene from “An Angel All His Own?”

Very, very carefully, Dan wrapped Fionna up in his arms and tried to make it appear that it wasn’t the place that she belonged. Nonchalance was not his forte. He attempted to hide his love and all-encompassing desire for the woman, who fit in his hands like she was made for him alone, but she melted into him.
Relief soothed her fraying rhythms. She drew a deep breath, inhaling his cologne and his musk. Discreetly, she touched his wrist and pulled his energy into her own.
Dan fought not to groan from the heavenly sensation. He embraced her and let his energy work through the bare skin there. “I’ve got you.” The words disappeared in the blaring music. Only she had heard them.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you! Thank you for buying the Realm and loving my characters! I could never have done any of this without you! You have no idea how much I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement and desire to keep reading my work delights my soul! Thank you from the depths of my heart!! <3

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Check out my blog at Or “Like” my Facebook page: Or follow me on Twitter:

On top of hearing about my books, you can also hear about my clumsiness, my inept parenting attempts, and what I’m confusing my brain with at the moment. Oh, and I also post sexy pics of my characters that will surely make you smile!

Do you have a special time to write? How is your day structured writing-wise?

I do my best writing when I’m alone. I can hear myself think. I will, however, write at a moment’s notice. I’ll sprint to my laptop and get down an idea or one sentence when it strikes me in the middle of dinner. DH often rolls over at 3 in the morning to find the bed empty. My characters drive me from my sleep. I try to blog, check social media, check emails in the morning, at lunch, and just before dinner. I’ll occasionally check in after my kiddos are in bed. Other than that I’m writing or editing. Getting the words on the page is what it’s all about. I also try to squeeze in laundry, cleaning, parenting, school activities, yoga, and spending time with that stud that I married that makes my entire world go round!

Why did you choose to write [genre] stories?

I truly, truly love love! I adore every single piece of getting a couple together. All of the complications, the trials, the whirlwinds of emotion, and yes the sexy sex scenes, they all make me tick.
I never really chose to write. It chose me, but from the moment I began, I wanted to write Romance. I never say never, but I doubt I ever write anything but Romance. I just love it too much.
What is for you the perfect book hero?

Flawed. All of my heroes have some major complications to work through. Yes, they’re sexy and muscular and have a particular knack when it comes to getting their girl, but they all have to go through some major changes to get where they need to be. I also find very protective men to be super sexy. There’s a reason my guys are all Law Enforcement officers with a penchant for protecting the ones they love no matter what.  

When you start a book, do you already have the whole story in your head or is it built progressively?

I usually have a very loose concept of where we’re going. I have the opening scene and the ending scene in my head. What happens in the middle I find out as I write. That’s why I always want to keep writing. I want to know what’s going to happen!

When and why did you begin writing?

I never decided to become a writer. I never really decided to write. I woke up one day with Rainer Lawson and Dan Vindico in my head, and I couldn’t get them to go away. They took over. Out of sheer desperation to be able to think clearly, I sat down and started typing. I had 250 computer pages in less than 2 weeks. It kept coming. That was five years ago, and it hasn’t stopped. Ultimately, I discovered as I worked, I was writing to save my own life. After a bout of post-partum depression and never really regaining my equilibrium, I wrote my way back to life. I can’t tell you how thankful I am when I look back at where I was and where I am today all because of Rainer and Dan.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

There are days I still don’t consider myself a writer. When I first started, and began to consider seeking publication, I would think when I see my name on the cover then I’ll be a writer. Well, that happened, and I still didn’t quite believe it. Then I thought, okay when I get some 5 star reviews from real reviewers, then I’ll really be a writer. Well, again, that happened and I wasn’t quite sure that was enough. Now, it’s when I hit the NYT then I’ll really believe it. I’m very proud of what I’ve done, but I always want that next goal.

List three books you have recently read and would recommend.

“When You Dare,” by Lori Foster
“The Look of Love” by Bella Andre
“Taking a Shot” by Jaci Burton

Tell us something that people would be surprised you know how to do.

Hmm, I’m a good cook, and I can play the piano. I took lessons for years, but have no desire to do it again. I do a ton of research for my writing so though I would never, ever DO any of this, I do have the basic concepts down for disassembling a semi-automatic pistol, hot-wiring a car, blowing up a car, picking an intricate lock system, releasing a computer worm virus, and many, many ways to kill people with Gifted energies. ;)

Will you write more about these characters?

Oh, yeah! I have a huge ensemble cast and the stories there are endless!! I can’t wait to introduce you to more of the minor characters and let you really get to know them when they tell you their stories.


She stuck her bottom lip out in a delicious pout. He turned back on his side as she wriggled her body closer. His entire being was thrumming and his mind was drowned with her scent, her taste, her energy, and of the heavenly space that wrapped around him so perfectly between her legs. He leaned and whispered in her ear. His hot breath caressed her delicate neck.
“Just wait, baby; be patient for me.” He felt her body tense against his. “Just keep thinking about how good it feels when we’re together. Keep thinking about how bad I crave you, and the things I’m gonna do when we’re finally alone in here tomorrow night. All day I want you to think about me sucking you.” He slid his hands over her breasts as she panted in deep desire. She trembled and arched her back, forcing them into his firm grasp. “They’re tender, aren’t they, baby? I know. I’ll be gentle, but I’m gonna make it all better.” He massaged her breasts slowly. They were swollen and fevered. He caught her nipples between his thumb and index finger. With a light squeeze, she shook in his arms. “You just think about me running my hands all over you, tracing you, making you feel me, touching you in all of those sweet, hidden places that are all mine. I know how to make my girl so hot and wet for me. Think about how good it feels when I run my tongue over your body, and mark you where no one else will ever see.” She moaned deliciously as she gasped for breath. He traced his hands down her stomach and slipped them to her lush backside as he continued.
“I want you to think about me leaning you over this bed, honey, driving you wild until you can’t stand it anymore. I’m gonna make you scream out my name, make you tell me you want it harder. You just keep thinking about me sucking you and biting you. I want you to let it build inside of you all day, baby, until I get here, and I drink you, and spank you for being my bad girl, and make you take it until you’re so full of me you explode in my arms, and then I’m gonna do it all over again,” he promised in a lust-filled rasp.

Scene 2

Dan lifted her face tenderly into his hands, and gazed down into the sienna depths of the most amazing women he’d ever come in contact with. “Fourteen days.” She furrowed her brow. “Fourteen days is how long we’ve been dating. And in the past fourteen days, you’ve made me feel things I swore I’d never feel again. You’ve made me believe that maybe life really is worth living, because for ten damn years, honey, I never believed that.”
“You made me understand that I could have it both ways. See, I was damned and determined never ever to fall in love again, because that meant that I had to stop loving Amelia and I couldn’t. I can’t. I never thought there was a woman in the world who would understand that, who would allow that, who would accept that. But you,” he shook his head in disbelief, “you did so much more. You welcomed it, because you are the most astounding thing that has ever happened to me.”
“So, for fourteen days, I’ve lived. I’ve done more than breathe in hatred and vengeance when I drew breath, and I’ve seen the world through your eyes, instead of through a red haze of anger and volatility.”
“I’ve slept for the first time in years. You have healed me and filled me in ways I thought I’d never be filled again. So, yeah, I’m scared. Scared I won’t be enough for you because, my God, Fionna, you deserve so much more than me.”
She shook her head vehemently, but he continued. “But what absolutely terrifies me is thinking about waking up and you not being in my arms, or coming back to the house, I’ve occupied for the last few years, and it not being my home because you aren’t there. I’ve done a whole lot of incredibly stupid things in my life, Fionna, but I will do anything in my power to keep you and to be everything you need and you want me to be, but I cannot lose you, Fi.
“That would end me. I couldn’t go on. I know this is fast and it’s been kind of a crazy ride, baby doll, but I’ve experienced enough of the absolute worst possible things this world has to offer to know when I just happened to somehow, by some incredible miracle, get the absolute best thing there is out there.”

Scene 3

Dan climbed back up the stairs without consciously deciding to eavesdrop. He halted outside the door when he heard the words, “He really does love you, Fi. I can tell. He’s crazy about you,” Emily was vehement, as if Fionna didn’t believe that herself.
“I know; I can’t believe how lucky I am. I just kind of freaked. Do you think I’m crazy moving in with him? It’s been two weeks, even if I kind of knew beforehand.”
Silence loomed. Dan’s pulse churned and then sped rapidly. He prayed that Emily would tell her that it wasn’t crazy, that she should move in with Dan. He didn’t understand how she’d known before him, but he didn’t care.
“You know, I think everyone thought I was just a sassy kid when I said I was going to marry Rainer, when I was four, but I was serious. I still think people are just waiting on us to fall apart, because you can’t possibly love the same guy your entire life. But just because everyone else doesn’t do it the way I did it, or the way you and Vindico are doing it, doesn’t make their way right and our way wrong.” Dan was deeply impressed. He just needed Fionna to hear what her friend was saying.
“I don’t know about you, but I kind of think my love story is the best.” Fionna laughed at Emily’s teasing words, but Dan knew she did believe that.
“Fionna, other people moving in together after two weeks might make me concerned, but something about the two of you when you’re together, it just seems right. I can feel it, and I know you can feel it.”
“I can, but I’m really mad at him. I don’t know how to feel about that. If he weren’t so sweet, and so freaking good-looking, and so damn good in bed, I’d be really pissed that he found my vibes. I am pissed, but being mad at him makes me hurt. I knew he’d done something. He felt guilty that morning when I walked him out.” Fionna’s words rocked through Dan. He’d had no idea that morning how incredibly powerful she was.
Dan climbed back up the stairs without consciously deciding to eavesdrop. He halted outside the door when he heard the words, “He really does love you, Fi. I can tell. He’s crazy about you,” Emily was vehement, as if Fionna didn’t believe that herself.
“I know; I can’t believe how lucky I am. I just kind of freaked. Do you think I’m crazy moving in with him? It’s been two weeks, even if I kind of knew beforehand.”
Silence loomed. Dan’s pulse churned and then sped rapidly. He prayed that Emily would tell her that it wasn’t crazy, that she should move in with Dan. He didn’t understand how she’d known before him, but he didn’t care.
“You know, I think everyone thought I was just a sassy kid when I said I was going to marry Rainer, when I was four, but I was serious. I still think people are just waiting on us to fall apart, because you can’t possibly love the same guy your entire life. But just because everyone else doesn’t do it the way I did it, or the way you and Vindico are doing it, doesn’t make their way right and our way wrong.” Dan was deeply impressed. He just needed Fionna to hear what her friend was saying.
“I don’t know about you, but I kind of think my love story is the best.” Fionna laughed at Emily’s teasing words, but Dan knew she did believe that.
“Fionna, other people moving in together after two weeks might make me concerned, but something about the two of you when you’re together, it just seems right. I can feel it, and I know you can feel it.”
“I can, but I’m really mad at him. I don’t know how to feel about that. If he weren’t so sweet, and so freaking good-looking, and so damn good in bed, I’d be really pissed that he found my vibes. I am pissed, but being mad at him makes me hurt. I knew he’d done something. He felt guilty that morning when I walked him out.” Fionna’s words rocked through Dan. He’d had no idea that morning how incredibly powerful she was.
They began giggling again. Fionna stopped abruptly. “But he’s a boy, and I don’t know how to live with a boy. I’ve never lived with a boy. Boys are gross!”
Dan had to forcibly quell his laughter.
“I’m serious, Em. I don’t know how to do this. What if I need to wear that pink pimple stuff on my face to bed? What if I throw up or really stink up the bathroom? What if I get something on his sheets when I’m on my period, or I drool in my sleep, or what if I want to play with those?”

Scene 4

Suddenly, he was overcome with the love he felt for her, and the way she’d illuminated everything in his dark and terrifying world. She soothed every strain and nursed every wound back to health. He stared into her beautiful eyes as she gazed up at him. Their laughter ebbed in light of their love.
He leaned in as she arched her back. Their lips met passionately in the middle. He was soft and tender with her this time. He moved his right hand to her cheek, kissing her slowly and softly. He guided her mouth with his own.
She trembled in his arms. Overwhelmed with the need to tend to her, he reclined her on his bed and moved over her. Slowly he traced her bottom lip with his tongue, until she parted her lips and took him in. He needed to taste her, to explore her, to pull the energy from her as he supplied her with his own. She was so damn sweet and soft in his arms, small and helpless under his rippling muscles and his towering height.
Their tongues moved in syncopation. Her energy seeped into his mouth, and gathered slowly in the emanating heat between her legs.
Desperate for more of her, he slipped his hand under her sweater and drew from her now-exposed side. Desire defeated her trepidation. She wanted more of him, too, it seemed. Her hand slid down his chest and she worked it into his trousers. A shocked, guttural groan tensed from low in his abdomen.
She gasped as she felt how hard he was strained. Insatiable, she wrapped her hand around him and drew his own hunger and need straight from its source. The responses of his body to hers ignited a blaze through her veins. Aware that he was holding a heavenly fire in his arms, Dan longed to be consumed.
Continuing his ascension up her, Dan removed the barrier. Nothing would ever stand in the way of having her in his hands. He lowered the cup of her bra so he could feel the heavy, fevered flesh.
Working with gentle care, he felt her nipples begin to beg his palms for the nurturing they craved. They pulsated in a directive he had no choice but to obey. He lowered his mouth to her right breast. Her breath caught, her body shuddered, as he began to suckle.


<strong><a href=""><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-3348" src="" alt="An_Angel_All_His_Own_96" width="200" height="300" /></a>Title: </strong>An Angel All His Own
<strong>Author: </strong>Jilian Neal
<strong>Date of Publication:</strong> November 18th 2014

She’s everything Dan Vindico has ever wanted. Fionna Styler embodies every single thing he told himself could never exist inside of one woman. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, powerful, and she’s his… almost.

No one can know they’re together. The Interfeci would never let her live. It was an inevitability, but Dan simply cannot resist her.

After a vow to somehow keep her safe, Dan learns what that really entails. Betrayal, scandal, millions of dollars, and watching her in the arms of other men are only the beginning, when danger intrudes into every sanctuary he secures.

Dan can’t determine if the demons in his soul or the monsters outside are more vicious, but Fionna’s life depends solely on him. That blasted tomb is ever-present in his mind. Can he save the Angel who managed to pull him from the depths of hell, the one he longs to make his own?

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<strong>Order the Book!</strong>

<a href="">Amazon</a>


<strong>Other Books in The Gifted Realm series</strong>

<em>Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm, #1)</em>

<em>Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm, #2) </em>

<em>Every Action (The Gifted Realm, #3) </em>

<em>Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm, #4) </em>

<a href="">Goodreads</a> // <a href="">Amazon</a> // <a href="">Barnes &amp; Noble</a>


<strong><a href=""><img class="alignleft wp-image-3419 size-medium" src="" alt="Jillian Neal" width="199" height="300" /></a>About Jillian Neal</strong>

Jillian Neal is a Romance writer with a passion for passion who pens strong, character driven novels, told from the male perspective. Her guys aren’t afraid to let us inside their minds or inside their bedrooms. They’re hot on the trail of a sinister criminal organization when they’re not burning up the bed sheets.

She’s a self-proclaimed ‘Southern girl with a sassy mouth.’ Her coffee addiction is barely legal, and she’s most often running around with her hair and her pen on fire! She's full of smarts, sass, and sizzle and that's a lot to get into barely five feet of girl with her head always in the clouds.

<a href="">Website</a> // <a href="">Twitter</a> // <a href="">Facebook</a> // <a href="">Goodreads</a>



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<strong>Q/A With Jillian</strong>


How did you come up with the idea for this story?

This story took over my brain all on its own. When I started the Gifted Realm series, I wrote to try desperately to get it out of my head. Rainer, Dan, Logan, all of them were demanding to be heard. They weren’t gentle about it. I sat down one day five years ago and began typing. I haven’t stopped. The more I write the more ideas I have. It fulfills me like nothing ever has. It makes me deliriously happy. I can’t wait to write more!


Where do you find your inspiration?

There’s this old, abandoned warehouse downtown Atlanta, just off Ponce de Leon. You have to go really early in the morning. No, I’m just teasing. Honestly, I find inspiration everywhere. I see a couple on TV or walking in the grocery store, and my mind conjures a life story up for them.  I can’t stop it. Everyone and everything has a story. You just have to pay close attention.


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Time! Time to write, edit, promote, edit, edit, occasionally see my children’s faces, eat, bathe, there’s never enough time! ;) Shall we discuss my coffee addiction now?


What are your current projects?

Currently I am working on the final book of my third series, “The Gifted Islands.” I’ve taken a few minor characters from “The Gifted Realm” and written another series. This time we see where too much power can land someone and what the ultimate cost of that can be.

I am also journaling my fourth series that I hope to start writing in January (please, please, please!) It involves a kind of gypsy-life cult and what could come out of extremists in any area. Should be interesting.



She stuck her bottom lip out in a delicious pout. He turned back on his side as she wriggled her body closer. His entire being was thrumming and his mind was drowned with her scent, her taste, her energy, and of the heavenly space that wrapped around him so perfectly between her legs. He leaned and whispered in her ear. His hot breath caressed her delicate neck.

“Just wait, baby; be patient for me.” He felt her body tense against his. “Just keep thinking about how good it feels when we’re together. Keep thinking about how bad I crave you, and the things I’m gonna do when we’re finally alone in here tomorrow night. All day I want you to think about me sucking you.” He slid his hands over her breasts as she panted in deep desire. She trembled and arched her back, forcing them into his firm grasp. “They’re tender, aren’t they, baby? I know. I’ll be gentle, but I’m gonna make it all better.” He massaged her breasts slowly. They were swollen and fevered. He caught her nipples between his thumb and index finger. With a light squeeze, she shook in his arms. “You just think about me running my hands all over you, tracing you, making you feel me, touching you in all of those sweet, hidden places that are all mine. I know how to make my girl so hot and wet for me. Think about how good it feels when I run my tongue over your body, and mark you where no one else will ever see.” She moaned deliciously as she gasped for breath. He traced his hands down her stomach and slipped them to her lush backside as he continued.

“I want you to think about me leaning you over this bed, honey, driving you wild until you can’t stand it anymore. I’m gonna make you scream out my name, make you tell me you want it harder. You just keep thinking about me sucking you and biting you. I want you to let it build inside of you all day, baby, until I get here, and I drink you, and spank you for being my bad girl, and make you take it until you’re so full of me you explode in my arms, and then I’m gonna do it all over again,” he promised in a lust-filled rasp.


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